This web site was made in 1996 by me, Giampiero RANIERI, and my father Adm. Attilio RANIERI, who died on november 18, 2008. This small site is dedicated to my father Adm. Attilio Ranieri, and to his pure passion and real love for Submarines. We have both been long time enthusiast submariners in the Italian Navy and we worked on this site out of sheer passion and in response to the signs of appreciation shown by our visitors.

Rear Admiral
Attilio Duilio Ranieri
Born in La Spezia in 1934
40 years of active service in the Navy
25 years on board
Died in Rome on November 18, 2008

Giampiero Ranieri
Born in Taranto in 1967
35 years of active service in the Navy
10 years on board (Submarines and Ships)
Still on active duty.


A special thanks to Admiral Rudy GUASTADISEGNI, who made
several of the photographs on this site, and who is the owner
of one of the biggest collections of photographs and video of
Italian Submarine.